The dark side to social media complaints | Morning Bulletin

Social media is an interesting beast. It is fun to scroll through your feed; check on what your friends are doing and laugh at the funny meme pages you follow. There is a more serious side to these sites that we see only a fraction of the time. Since covid started so many people have turned into online activists. They think the only way to help the world is by posting on social media. Whether they are trying to tell you who to vote for, how to act everyone seems to be an activist pushing something down your throat... on both sides of every argument. I just think it is so interesting because it seems like every time there is some type of argument people immediately pick one side and do their best to attack the other side because they are "wrong". The arguments never go anywhere because people on both sides just post stories or whatever trying to prove their point. No one is going having an actual discussion it is just asynchronous posts trying to prove points. I don't think much comes from people posting their opinion... people should be having respectful, logical, and fruitful conversations. This is how we come to a common conclusion. Right now the only thing each side of every argument is doing is pissing the other side off. Everyone thinks they are right. That is why you should keep your opinion to yourself or at least be open to discussion revolving facts. This is not related to anything specific... I just don't have much else to say that might relate to our class. I would rather post about things that I enjoy, but that is okay. 
