First Post

 Here we go! My first post... First off, let me thank you for taking your time out of your day to visit my site and read this! I am Luke Sabia. I am a Mount st. Mary's marketing student from Harleysville PA. I will be casually posting about things that I enjoy and would recommend to friends of mine. Things like my favorite types of food, music, movies, video games and activities. I will also be trying to rate these things and tell you why they are so great. Almost everything I will post about is something that I am passionate about and really do enjoy. I hope that those of you who read my posts might either relate to what I am saying or might go out and try my recommendations. I do recognize that we are all different and some people like things and others don't so with that in mind I am not saying what I like is better than what anyone else likes... I am just stating my fascination or excitement about said topic. I am always open to have conversations with people... especially about these things that get me excited. If you wish to learn more or just talk about stuff feel free to comment below or email me at ! I am happy to be here and am looking forward to sharing with all of you!!
