Post #5

Top 10 Famous Inventors - YouTube

 I am not sure on exactly what I would like to be when I get older. I would like to have enough money that I do not depend on anyone else for anything. I would like to not be worried about how much money I have and be able to spend it on cool things I enjoy. To get there I am going to need to work. Now I do not want to have to wake up early everyday and bust my back for someone else. I would like to create something valuable that I enjoy. Whether it is an invention or some type of art I would like to create something that I enjoy and others may as well. I want to be able to go wherever I want and spend whatever I want. That means I need create something of value to people and sell it. Social media is a great resource for businesses today. You can create a basically free advertising platform to promote your business. If I were to start a small business around an invention; the first thing I would do is go on social media and try to create a presence for my idea. On whatever platform I chose, I would try and get some hype around the product. So that when it launches, it would sell. Some inventors even use social media platforms like Gofundme to get investors or donators to help with manufacturing/research+development. No matter what business you go into, social media can affect it for the better or worse. It is up to you to make social media an opportunity for your business or an issue you will have to deal with. You have to be careful to not offend anyone but if I am selling something that helps others it will be easy to promote succesfully without backlash. 
