Post #AyeT

 Nebraska's Trout SlamNebraska Game and Parks |

Lately it has been warming up outside, so I have started fishing again. I go out into the woods to get out of the house and away from everything. It nice not having anyone to bother me. I can can do whatever I please and my surroundings are beautiful. I get away from people and the internet. When I go into the woods I have no service. Even with no service, I still find myself taking pictures for my snap story that I will post when I get back into service. I'll mostly just take a picture if I feel like my surroundings are beautiful, or if I catch a nice fish. I take the pictures as a way of almost showing off... I was thinking about it today while I was in the woods. If I catch a nice fish is that enough for me?? No... I would at the very least need to tell someone like my brother or dad when I get back home that I caught a nice one. Usually I will take a picture of the fish and post it when I get back into service. I am not sure wether I am an ass or not for this behavior. I feel like everyone does this to an extent(showing off of social media)... but does that make me less of an ass? Maybe I'm thinking too much into it and it doesn't matter because people that friend me do so because they want to see what I post. Either way I think it is very interesting that I get the urge to take out my phone and take pictures when I'm by myself in the woods with no service. 
