
Showing posts from April, 2021

Post N9NE

 This class has been somewhat interesting so far. I feel like most of it has been commonsense stuff that I already subconsciously know just from using social media. Being told how to act online from when I was a kid helps me steer clear of mistakes that get people "cancelled" everyday. I feel like the classic "Anything you do online stays forever, so make sure your grandma would be okay with it" line guides you into most of the risk mitigation techniques that we have covered. I just kinda feel bored about the class. It feel extremely repetitive from all the other marketing classes. They're all just like "know your audience, use the right and consistent voice for them(wether its serious and informative, or humorous...etc), and follow the morals of that audience!" A guideline/infographic of what techniques work in what situations, with real companies examples would be helpful. I think having a real world example for each point you make would be extremely