
Showing posts from February, 2021


  Social media is an interesting beast. It is fun to scroll through your feed; check on what your friends are doing and laugh at the funny meme pages you follow. There is a more serious side to these sites that we see only a fraction of the time. Since covid started so many people have turned into online activists. They think the only way to help the world is by posting on social media. Whether they are trying to tell you who to vote for, how to act everyone seems to be an activist pushing something down your throat... on both sides of every argument. I just think it is so interesting because it seems like every time there is some type of argument people immediately pick one side and do their best to attack the other side because they are "wrong". The arguments never go anywhere because people on both sides just post stories or whatever trying to prove their point. No one is going having an actual discussion it is just asynchronous posts trying to prove points. I don't th

3rd Post

     Here goes my third post! This one is about music. I love music... well at least the music I enjoy lol. My passion for music started with my Dad always listening to classic rock around me as I grew up. Whether he was playing CD's or tuning on the radio there was always classic rock in my ears. As I got older and received a phone I started collecting music on my own. In high school I downloaded Spotify and went down the rabbit whole of music. I started by looking through the albums of the bands I knew. The music lead me along an amazing path. Each band or genre lead me to another person with another song which was good. I started with great classic rock songs which lead me mainly to the blues and funk. When I say classic rock I do not mean ACDC and the three Journey songs that every white girl knows; I mean the Doors, the Rolling Stones, the Who, Dire straits, Steely Dan, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty, Led Zeppelin, The Band, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Hendrix, David Bowie etc

Post NUMBA 2

Today I am going to go into my top videogame franchises of all time. And just to be clear I am not even 100% positive on what goes where but I do know that I enjoyed all of these enough to put them on here. Also remember this list is completely subjective and based purely upon my opinion. So to jump right into it my favorite gaming franchise, at least for the last 5 or so years has been fallout.    A franchise with so much to sink your teeth into. Basically fallout franchise is a list of RPG games based in an alternate reality of earth. Our two history's split around the 1950's when fallouts invented nuclear fission batteries. People started to make everything run on self sustaining nuclear power. they built nuclear cars and robots to help around the house. Long story short the cold war lasted a very long time and finally tensions between the US and communist countries got so bad that the world was obliterated by nukes in 2 hours. Thankfully US companies saw this coming and bui

First Post

  Here we go! My first post... First off, let me thank you for taking your time out of your day to visit my site and read this! I am Luke Sabia. I am a Mount st. Mary's marketing student from Harleysville PA. I will be casually posting about things that I enjoy and would recommend to friends of mine. Things like my favorite types of food, music, movies, video games and activities. I will also be trying to rate these things and tell you why they are so great. Almost everything I will post about is something that I am passionate about and really do enjoy. I hope that those of you who read my posts might either relate to what I am saying or might go out and try my recommendations. I do recognize that we are all different and some people like things and others don't so with that in mind I am not saying what I like is better than what anyone else likes... I am just stating my fascination or excitement about said topic. I am always open to have conversations with people... especially