

Post 13

 I think we could easily live a year without social media. we've all done it before and I'm sure we can do it again. It might be a little harder to do especially if the year is a year like this where we are stuck quarantining. the time we have have been forced to stay separated has driven our dependency to social media way up. In the same way I am sure that if we were able to see each other whenever we wanted it would be a lot easier to go without social media. Even without being able to see each other or whatever other circumstance you want to throw in as humans we will survive without phones, like we did the last 10,000 years. We may think we are addicted, we may be addicted, either way I'm sure that we will forget our urges to use phones after a short(couple weeks to a month) without one. Anytime I go up to the mountains in the summer we lose service on the way up. It is always nice being disconnected... I went for a week and half one time up there and only ever used my

Post N9NE

 This class has been somewhat interesting so far. I feel like most of it has been commonsense stuff that I already subconsciously know just from using social media. Being told how to act online from when I was a kid helps me steer clear of mistakes that get people "cancelled" everyday. I feel like the classic "Anything you do online stays forever, so make sure your grandma would be okay with it" line guides you into most of the risk mitigation techniques that we have covered. I just kinda feel bored about the class. It feel extremely repetitive from all the other marketing classes. They're all just like "know your audience, use the right and consistent voice for them(wether its serious and informative, or humorous...etc), and follow the morals of that audience!" A guideline/infographic of what techniques work in what situations, with real companies examples would be helpful. I think having a real world example for each point you make would be extremely

Post #AyeT

  Lately it has been warming up outside, so I have started fishing again. I go out into the woods to get out of the house and away from everything. It nice not having anyone to bother me. I can can do whatever I please and my surroundings are beautiful. I get away from people and the internet. When I go into the woods I have no service. Even with no service, I still find myself taking pictures for my snap story that I will post when I get back into service. I'll mostly just take a picture if I feel like my surroundings are beautiful, or if I catch a nice fish. I take the pictures as a way of almost showing off... I was thinking about it today while I was in the woods. If I catch a nice fish is that enough for me?? No... I would at the very least need to tell someone like my brother or dad when I get back home that I caught a nice one. Usually I will take a picture of the fish and post it when I get back into service. I am not sure wether I am an ass or not for this behavior. I feel

Post #7

The influencer I like the most was a hard question for me to answer. I went through my instagram followers; looking for one I want to write about and had no luck. I like barstool. Dave Portnoy is the head of that but I don't actually look at all their stuff like some people I know. So I decided to go to Youtube. I watch Youtube everyday for at least an hour or two. I also love playing the Fallout video games. I am also very interested in what's coming out next for them and what's going on in the community. There is a You-tuber named Juicehead that follows all of Microsoft and Bethesda's (the game company) gaming news along with new user created mods and things like that. He also posts videos of fan theories about mysteries within the games and interesting facts about certain quests or areas in said games. As an avid player it is fun to watch these videos and see things that I may have missed while wandering in the game. I  will often be watching a video; I'll stop i

Post 6

  Adventure is something that many types of social media pages promote. Wether it is National Geographic posting beautiful vistas or a post from an influencer who travels; social media allows us to explore almost anywhere in the world with the touch of a button. You can go on to Instagram and have your own virtual adventure if you like. An example would be looking up National Geographic’s Instagram and scrolling through the breathtaking wildlife photos from all across the globe. In order to get some of those amazing pictures photographers have to go on expeditions. These pictures they choose to post are the visual pinnacle of these adventures. You wouldn’t believe what some of these photographers have to go through to get these pictures too. I’ve seen photos of the photographers dressed like pandas to get close enough to pandas in China. I’ve seen photos of photographers running from a bear, which I’m sure they were trying to film. I’ve seen photos of photographers in big fake swans tr

Post #5

 I am not sure on exactly what I would like to be when I get older. I would like to have enough money that I do not depend on anyone else for anything. I would like to not be worried about how much money I have and be able to spend it on cool things I enjoy. To get there I am going to need to work. Now I do not want to have to wake up early everyday and bust my back for someone else. I would like to create something valuable that I enjoy. Whether it is an invention or some type of art I would like to create something that I enjoy and others may as well. I want to be able to go wherever I want and spend whatever I want. That means I need create something of value to people and sell it. Social media is a great resource for businesses today. You can create a basically free advertising platform to promote your business. If I were to start a small business around an invention; the first thing I would do is go on social media and try to create a presence for my idea. On whatever platform I c


  Social media is an interesting beast. It is fun to scroll through your feed; check on what your friends are doing and laugh at the funny meme pages you follow. There is a more serious side to these sites that we see only a fraction of the time. Since covid started so many people have turned into online activists. They think the only way to help the world is by posting on social media. Whether they are trying to tell you who to vote for, how to act everyone seems to be an activist pushing something down your throat... on both sides of every argument. I just think it is so interesting because it seems like every time there is some type of argument people immediately pick one side and do their best to attack the other side because they are "wrong". The arguments never go anywhere because people on both sides just post stories or whatever trying to prove their point. No one is going having an actual discussion it is just asynchronous posts trying to prove points. I don't th